GPNI Global Education Partners
If you an existing trainer or coach with a prior qualification with one of these global fitness educators, you will be fortunate to know that GPNi courses are approved education partners.

Education Partner Name
Course Name
American Council of Exercise (ACE)
PNE Level-1 + SNS
Sports Nutrition Coach (SNC)
5.5 CEC
1.7 CEC
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
PNE Level-1 + SNS
Sports Nutrition Coach (SNC)
1.9 CEC
1.7 CEC
Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)
PNE Level-1 + SNS
Sports Nutrition Coach (SNC)
15 CEC
15 CEC
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
PNE Level-1 + SNS
2.0 CEC
Physical Activity Australia
PNE Level-1 + SNS
GPNi – United Kingdom
GPNi Australia & New Zealand
GPNi – China Mainland (Chinese Mandarin / Simplified Language)
GPNi – Japan (Japanese Language)
If you are based in one of these regions or would like to study in one of these languages, please get into contact with our team or contact our Regional Partners directly through the official GPNi country partner website link above.
If you are a business owner or heavily involved in the fitness education space in a region other than the regions shown above, please get into contact with us to learn more about the GPNi Region & Language Franchise Partnership Program.

International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN)
The International Society of Sports Nutrition is the only non-profit academic society dedicated to promoting the science and application of evidence-based sports nutrition and supplementation.The ISSN is the world’s leader in providing science-based sports nutrition and supplement information. Our peer-reviewed journal (JISSN), conferences, and attendees are the key influencers and thought-leaders in the sports nutrition and supplement field.

It’s not ironic that IDEA’s 40-year history so closely parallels the trajectory of the fitness industry—the two have literally “grown up” together. IDEA has been a guiding force in health, fitness and nutrition since 1982 and continues to lead as the industry matures. Today, our team’s commitment to helping fitness professionals to be more successful in their careers—and to our shared mission to Inspire the World to Fitness™ is stronger than ever!

International Institute of Complimentary Therapies (IICT)
Founded in 2002, IICT has become a symbol of freedom for thousands of complementary therapy practitioners.
Our international reach has continued to expand over the years, and we currently provide membership and access to insurance cover in 35+ countries.
Together with IICT, the complementary health industry is undergoing a quiet revolution. Many complementary therapists who have previously operated within the confines of traditional Association membership are choosing IICT for professional affiliation, as we provide a broader and more flexible atmosphere for their practice.

My Sports Dietician (MySD)
We believe in a food first approach to improving sports performance because we see the difference we are making in our athletes lives every day – they are strong, healthy and meeting their goals. We then added a team of rock star Sport Dietitians to deliver outstanding products and services that supports and empowers our ever-growing community of Athletes, Coaches, Athletic Trainers, Strength/Conditioning Specialist and Parents.
My Sports Dietitian is today’s solution for improving an athlete’s strength, performance and body composition through a food first approach.