最近放映されたセミナー&ウェビナーのご紹介 (サンプル動画)
Global Elite Focusing On Key Subjects Per Webinar & Seminar
Juan Carlos Santana MS CSCS FNSCA-インスティテュートオブヒューマンパフォーマンスの運営で学んだこと
略歴:Fitness maverick, founder of the Institute of Human Performance (IHP), dynamic speaker, sought-after consultant, prolific author; for over 30 years.
Corey Peacock Ph.D. FISSNCSCS-NSUファイトサイエンスラボからの調査。
略歴:Dr. Peacock is an Associate Professor of Exercise Science at Nova Southeastern University. His research focuses on human performance and, in particular, his work with world-class fighters. Corey Peacock | College of Health Care Sciences | NSU (nova.edu)!
ジャッキーカミンスキーMSRDN / LDN-ファイトウィークの急性減量戦略。
略歴:Ms. Kaminski is a registered dietitian and sports nutritionist that works as the personal nutritionist for a diverse group of professional fighters. Performance Nutrition | The Fight Nutritionist | Home
略歴: She earned her BS in Exercise Science from Southwest Minnesota State; MS in Human Performance – Applied Sport Science from the University of Wisconsin- LaCrosse; and Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of New Mexico. Trisha’s primary research focuses on supplementation and nutritional interventions in healthy and disease-state populations.

- 各ウェビナーまたはセミナーへの1年間の無制限アクセス
- いつでもどこでも見る
- レーニングとスポーツ栄養の分野でグローバルな専門家から学ぶ
- すべてのISSN®およびGPNi®メンバーの割引価格
- 有料の「ライブ」ISSN®ウェビナー参加者への無料アクセス
Are These Webinars & Seminars For You?
If you are in the fitness business, a trainer, an MMA athlete or coach, a female caring about health, a man caring about nutrition, then these Webinar’s are for you. Helping you learn more and earn more $$ and be better at what you do.

- Gym & PT Studio Owners
- MMA Fighter or coach
- Female athlete
- Male athlete
- Fitness Professional & Personal Trainers
- Health Coaches
- Group Fitness Instructors
- Registered Dietitians
Famous Global Speakers & Experts
The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN®) held these live webinars & offline seminars with the who’s who and leading experts in the field of sports nutrition, combat sports, emale professional sport, exercise science, and business owners in the training space.
The More You Learn - The More You Earn
Some Of The Expert Speakers Below From Recent Webinars & Seminars
- Juan Carlos Santana MS CSCS FNSCA
- Paul Christopher ATC
- Pete Bommarito MS CSCS
- Corey Peacock Ph.D. FISSN CSCS
- Julius Thomas
- Tony Ricci EdD FISSN CSCS
- Katie Hirsch PhD
- Stacy Sims PhD
- Abbie Smith-Ryan PhD FISSN