Now Exclusively Available On GPNi-TV®

On-Demand & Online Exclusively Through GPNi®

The ISSN Position Stand webinar was held on February 12th, 2022. This was one of the most anticipated ISSN webinars to date.  Hundreds joined to learn from the global experts about the research, journals, and the ISSN’s “Position” on key sports nutrition areas separating science from fiction. 

If you missed it due to a conflict of schedule or could not travel, now you can catch up and watch the on-demand version exclusively through the GPNi® portal. 

With a total of 9 global expert speakers and almost 6 hours of jam-packed value, the on-demand webinar is one not to be missed. This is a high-quality zoom “live” recording with professional editing and titles in post-edit for our online and on-demand viewing pleasure.

Video Highlights From ISSN Position Stand

The much anticipated globally renowned experts go into detail on the world-renowned ISSN Position Stands.   Watch online, on-demand anytime and from anywhere. 

Global Expert Lecturers

Members Only Advantage

ISSN® or GPNi® members, please email a screenshot of your members page for proof, and we will email back you a coupon code for the lower access price. 

Watch and learn from the global elite training and sports nutrition experts.

Watch and learn any time you with all-access on-demand 24/7 viewing exclusively on the GPNi® online platform with ISSN® webinars NOW on-demand.

What You Get

Summary Of Speakers From Recent Webinars & Seminars

ISSN Position Stand Webinar On-Demand Through GPNi®

ISSN Position Stand: Protein & Exercise

Dr. Antonio speaks on the current literature regarding the intake of protein for healthy, exercising individuals. The recommended protein intake is 1.4-2.0 g/kg/day per the ISSN Position Stand, although, protein consumption in higher quantities, such as >3 g/kg/day may be beneficial for body composition.

ISSN Position Stand: Creatine

Dr. Kreider speaks on the safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. Creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic nutritional supplement currently available to athletes for increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training.

ISSN Position Stand: Diets and Body Composition

Dr. Triahsa VanDusseldorp. There are a multitude of diet types and eating styles. A diet focused on fat loss is driven by a sustained caloric deficit with the higher the baseline body fat level, the more aggressive the caloric deficit.

ISSN Position Stand: Sodium Bicarbonate

Dr. Bryan Saunders. Sodium bicarbonate supplementation (doses from 0.2-0.5 g/kg) improves performance in muscular endurance activities, various combat sports, and in high-intensity cycling, running, swimming, and rowing. The ergogenic effects are mostly established for exercise activities of high intensity that last between 30 seconds and 12 minutes.

Famous Global Speakers & Experts

The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN®) held these live webinars & offline seminars with the who’s who and leading experts in the field of sports nutrition, combat sports, emale professional sport, exercise science, and business owners in the training space.

9 Global Experts From Around The World Speaking

Watch Anytime Anywhere

Since 2003, The ISSN® has certified thousands of Sports Nutrition Specialist (SNS), and Sports Nutritionists (CISSN Master Level) across the world to ensure to upgrade their knowledge and skills; all of which is backed by science and research.

Previous Experts & Seminars

Check out all the previous expert lecturers, seminars, and webinars all exclusively available on GPNi®, through GPNi-TV®

Plug into the worldwide network of the who’s who in sports nutrition with on-demand content and get access anytime, anywhere in the world! 

Special Offer For Members

Special ISSN® / GPNi® Members Offer

Use coupon code “issnps” and pay USD$49 ISSN® members only, saving USD$50 with the public price set at USD$99 on the GPNi® website, or existing members just log in and pay. 

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CECプログラムは、ISSN本体および各国・地域によって異なります。CECポリシーの詳細については、 GPNi®CECポリシーをご覧ください。

GPNi®は、世界中にオフィス、パートナー、専門家ネットワークを持つグローバルな組織です。 2022年の時点で、GPNi®は英語、簡体字中国語、繁体字中国語、および日本語で資格認定講座を提供しています。


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  • イギリス

ISSN-SNSは、International Society of Sports Nutrition(ISSN)のSports Nutrition Specialist (SNS)の略です。スポーツ栄養学をコーチングするために設立された国際的な資格認定のひとつです。基本的には高校卒業以上のパーソナルトレーナー、またはその他のフィットネス専門家を対象としています。


GPNi® (The Global Performance Nutrition Institute)は2018年に設立された、国際スポーツ栄養学会(ISSN:International Society of Sports Nutrition)のグローバルオフィシャルパートナーである教育機関です。最新/最先端の科学的な裏付けされたエビデンスを引用しており、フィットネスやストレングス&コンディショニングの専門家をはじめ、スポーツにかかわる全ての人が同じ国際レベルのスポーツ栄養の知識を持ち、最高のパフォーマンスや指導を目指せることを目的としています。

GPNi ®は、スポーツ栄養の知識を深めるためのポータルサイトです。 複数の言語オプションがあり、多くの国で同じ内容を受講することができる、世界初のパフォーマンス・ニュートリションのオンライン教育ポータルサイトです。 GPNi ®の資格認定講座やワークショップを受講して、スポーツ栄養学で最も信頼され、世界的権威のあるISSN認定資格を取得することで、キャリアアップにつなげましょう。


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